
Abstract submission deadline 16th March 2025
Notification of acceptance 21st March 2025 (submissions by 16th February) and 30th March 2025 (submitted after 16th February)


Instructions for Abstract Submission

Each participant may submit up to two (2) abstracts per registration.

Abstracts should be written in English and have a maximum length of 500 words, following the provided template.

The responsible author must select a preferred presentation type (Oral or Poster) and specify the thematic axis the abstract aligns with:

• Advances in colloids functionality

ᴏ Food colloids and health (bioactive peptides, allergenicity)

ᴏ Interfacial Engineering

• Interactions between colloids and other food components

ᴏ Interactions between biopolymers and their impact on structure

ᴏ Food colloids as vehicles for bioactives: digestibility and bioavailability

• Novel colloidal systems in food applications

ᴏ New processes and ingredients

ᴏ Colloids for edible films

• Emerging technologies in food protein research

The results presented in the abstract must not have been previously published.

There is no maximum limit for the number of authors per abstract.

All abstracts will be peer-reviewed by at least two members of the Scientific Committee, with evaluations based on originality, scientific merit, relevance to the conference themes, and the quality of results and conclusions.

All posters and oral presentations must be presented in person.

The abstract should contain a brief introduction with the objectives, clearly. Then, in a succinct way, the materials and methods should be described. Results should be then presented with a brief discussion, and the abstract should finish with a conclusion. The body of the abstract should not exceed 500 words. It is not necessary to include the terms “INTRODUCTION:”, “OBJECTIVES:”, “METHODOLOGY:”, “RESULTS:”, “DISCUSSION:”, “CONCLUSION:”

Ethical Considerations for Submissions

All submissions must represent original research and should not have been published or presented at other events prior to CIPCA 2025.

Authors are expected to follow ethical guidelines regarding the responsible conduct of research, including proper attribution of sources, conflict of interest disclosures, and adherence to ethical standards for experimentation.

Plagiarism or unethical practices will result in the rejection of the submission.


Oral Presentations

Oral presentations should last 10 minutes, followed by 5 minutes of Q&A.

Presentations can be delivered in English, Portuguese, or Spanish, but the slides must be written in English.

The presenter must be registered for the event and present in person.

Poster Pitch

Posters will be digital and should follow the layout provided by the scientific committee and written in English.

The pitches will last 5 minutes, and at least one of the authors must be registered and present in person during the session to discuss the work with attendees.

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